Browse our latest blog posts to learn more about the numerous benefits of organic sheets and duvet products

Kirsten Buckman Kirsten Buckman


Fair trade and fair pay for workers are important cornerstones of the organic cotton industry and significantly add to the cost of organic cotton. Doing what is right is not always easy, or cheap.

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Kirsten Buckman Kirsten Buckman

9 Reasons to Purchase Organic Cotton

By now, we all have a fair idea that organic cotton is far superior to conventional cotton, as well as most other fabrics. But do we really understand why?

There are no synthetic substances used at all when growing and producing organic cotton; everything that is used to replace chemicals comes from the earth.

To replace the chemicals, organic cotton farming relies on growing cover crops, applying organic fertilisers and compost, using beneficial insects to prey on insect pests, and opting for human labour for weed control. Not only do these growing methods have a reduced impact on the environment, but they actually benefit it.

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Kirsten Buckman Kirsten Buckman

how to create the perfect sleep environment

You can’t beat organic cotton for your sheets, duvet cover and pillow cases. Organic cotton is a natural fibre produced without the use of toxic chemicals and it is one of the best options for comfort, durability, breathability and kindness to sensitive skin.

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